Our HR management service includes legal employment consultancy comprising:
Technical representation before the conciliation and mediation services (CMAC and SERCLA), Employment Tribunals, and before the High Court of Justice, as well as finalisation of proceedings in labour courts.
General Human Resources:
General day-to-day company HR including:
1. Social security and all electronic submission CENDAR System procedures
2. Preparation, creation and recording of employment contracts and their electronic processing
3. Preparation, creation, issue and presentation of accident at work reports and their DELTA processing.
4. Preparation, creation and presentation of employees' IRPF to the tax authorities using form 111-190 and AEAT procedure
5. Engagement and dismissal of staff and all electronic submission system procedures
6. Preparation, issue and monitoring of payrolls, bonus payments and/or wage agreement differences
7. Balance and settlement documents and their mandatory letters
8. Back pay calculations
9. Calculation and verification of accounting summaries
10. Issue of quarterly IRPF taxes for both Spanish nationals and non-residents
11. Company certificates and certificates of withholding