Law 14/2013 of 27 September, support for entrepreneurs and internationalization, introduced an important innovation: the obligation of legalization of entrepreneurs books electronically. In this regard, the first paragraph of Article 18 of the Act provides that [all books that must necessarily lead employers in accordance with applicable laws, including minute books of meetings and other corporate bodies, books or records membership and registered shares will be legalized in the Commercial Register electronically after completion electronically and ute before expiry of four months from the closing date of the exercise].
Follow, paragraph two of the same article, saying that employers may voluntarily legalize books detail records or groups of records formed with a lower interest annually provided that irrefutably prove the fact and date of intervention by the Registrar.
Finally, it exposes paragraph three, who will be the Registrar who shall ensure that formal requirements are met and the subsequent formation of those who are carried within each class, finally electronically certify their involvement in the corresponding expressed validation code.