When I returned Hacienda?

Once submitted the Statement of Income, we know if the end result will be to return or enter.

If we had the luck that comes to return, the obvious question is, how long it will take for me back? Legally, the Administration has a period of six months from the end of June, to make returns. Normally, if the return is filed soon, before returning perceive, whereas if the deadline is expected to be presented, we will take longer to return. Generally, the Treasury does not usually take more than a month in the amount the taxpayer enter into your bank account. It may be that the return is not filed within this period that the Treasury has until end of year. In this case, they will accumulate interest on arrears to the amount owed to us until the moment we finally enter.

If unluckiest the tax return has come to enter, it is possible to split the payment, or even postponed. Fractionation can do it in two installments, the first from 60 at the time of filing, and the second, the remaining 40 up on November 5, 2015, inclusive. For postponement, we will ask for documentation that can not cope with the debt for a bad economic situation, and we will charge an interest of 5.